Actors or Actor’s or Actors’ (English Grammar Explained)

Actors is the plural for Actor. Actor’s is the singular possessive form of actor. Actors’ is the plural possessive form of actors. 

Actors or actor’s or actors’ are all pronounced the same way.

Remember, an actor means both male and female people who act. 


We use actors when we want to make the word “actor” plural.

So it is:

I need one actor.

I need two actors. 


Actor’s is the singular possessive form of actor. We use the possessive form of actor when we want to show that one actor owns something.

This is the actor’s changing room.

We need to look after the actor’s health.

Remember we are talking about only one actor. You can replace actor’s with a name if that makes it easier to understand.

This is John’s changing room.

We need to look after John’s health.


Actors’ is the plural possessive form of actors. When the noun already ends in “s” and we want to make the word possessive, we need to put the apostrophe after the “s”

The Actors’ Guild is having a meeting upstairs.

It can be difficult to know whether you are talking about one actor or many actors in the possessive because actor’s and actors’ sound exactly the same in spoken English.
