Borne of Or Born Of? Which is correct? 

Born and borne are both different forms of the English word bear.

The phrase “to give birth” is often intended to be understood as the sense of the word “born.”

It is possible to use the word “borne” in the sense of “evolving out of,” as a combining form with words like air, as a reference to carrying something (either literally or figuratively), and in a few other contexts.

Continue reading further to learn more about this short phrase including the etymology and examples of how to use it properly in a sentence.

Difference between Borne of and Born of

The fact that both born and borne are past tense forms of the verb bear can make it difficult to differentiate between the two. This is because both born and borne originate from the same source, which can lead to confusion. So how is their application dissimilar from one another?

We use “born of” when we write formally about people giving birth.

We use “borne of” when something carries something that is not a baby like a disease.

The past tense of the verb that means “to give birth” is more commonly written as “born.” The passive voice is a common mode of expression for it.

The etymology of Born Of

Although there is no official etymology history record for the entire phrase “born of,” the word “born” originates from the Old English word “boren,” and its first documented use can be found as early as the 14th century. The phrase “born of” itself does not have an official etymology history record.

Using ‘Born Of’ In a Sentence

To use the phrase ‘born of’ in a sentence, you can read the following examples to see how to use it in the proper context:

  • With a strength born of desperation, he was able to dig his way out of the collapsed mine shaft.
  • Her tenacity is born of being one of many siblings and always fighting for attention.
  • He was one born of many to his heiress mother and an entrepreneur father.

Using ‘Borne Of’ In a Sentence

Because the spelling ‘borne of’ means the same as ‘born of,’ you can use the following examples for the difference in spelling through the same context as above:

  • She has the determination bourne of being the youngest of many siblings.
  • He has a drive that was bourne of desperation to please his parents.
  • Being bourne of extreme wealth will set you up for success almost instantly.

