Is it Ok or Would it be Ok? What’s the difference?

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“Is it ok” and “would it be ok” are both ways to ask permission in English. You can also use “Is it ok” when you want to know if something is safe.

Is it ok?

“Is it ok” is a way to ask permission to do something in English.

Is it ok if I stay at Dermot’s house tonight?

Is it ok if I go to the shops?

The context above is usually when you ask someone with authority to do something(like a parent or teacher).

You can also ask “is it ok” when you want to know if something is acceptable or safe and that you will have no problems if you engage in that activity.

Is it ok to eat green potatoes?

Is it ok to wash your hair every day?

In these examples above, you are more worried about possible problems and you are not really asking permission.

Would it be ok?

“Would it be ok” is also a way to ask permission in English. It is slightly more polite than “is it ok” but they basically mean the same thing.

Would it be ok with you if I went on holiday with my friends?  

Would it be ok if I stayed at Dermot’s house tonight?

“Would it be ok with you” has a more empathetic meaning. It could also be used in contexts with friends and coworkers to show that you want to know if they would have a problem if you did something.

Would it be ok with you if I dated Michael?

Would it be ok with you if I took a vacation in the first week of September?

Would it be alright? (Meaning)

“Would it be alright?” has the same meaning as “would it be ok”. We use “Would it be alright?” when we want to ask someone’s permission to do something.

Would it be alright with you if I dated Michael?

Will it be ok or would it be ok?

“Will it be ok” has a different meaning to “would it be ok”.

We use  “Will it be ok” for a real situation when we want to ask if we will have any problems in the future.

Will it be ok to drive tomorrow?

Will it be ok to travel in 2023?

The difference between “will” and “would” is that we use “will” for real things that will happen in the future and “would” for hypothetical events. For this reason, it is better to use “would” when we are asking permission as the event is hypothetical depending on if the person says yes or no. 
