Leya A.I Review – Should you pay for an A.I tutor?

A.I tutors are the next wave in learning English with technology. In my opinion, you should only use an A.I tutor as one part of your English studying practice.

Leya.AI is not worth paying for and I would recommend signing up to Talkio A.I if you want an A.I tutor. If you are serious about speaking English well, I recommend taking classes with Preply.

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What is Leya A.I?

Leya A.I is an A.I tutor that allows you to practice your English with an A.I robot. 

How Leya Works

The first thing you need to do is to answer a few questions so that Leya can test out your English level. They start with simple questions like your age and your level of English.

After that, you need to answer some grammar questions and other questions about how often you want to study and what are your language learning goals.

After that, you need to enter your email to receive your English-speaking plan.

In order to actually start using Leya A.I, you need to sign up to a payment plan.

Leya A.I Pros and Cons

Here are some of the good and bad points about Leya A.I


  • It is cheaper than hiring a human tutor.
  • You can study whenever you want.


  • Not the same quality of practice as a human tutor
  • Need to pay before you try
  • Not as many languages as Talkio A.I

Leya Pricing

Leya’s pricing is a little bit sketchy. You are heavily incentivised to start a year-long plan with huge discounts. Other services like Cambly also do this but at least you get to try the service first.

You also get quite a decent discount if you click “x” and don’t buy the plan straight away. This changed my price from $29 for one month to $17. You are then subjected to a countdown time that you need to buy before it runs out to obtain the discount. I don’t really approve of this marketing tactic.

Is Leya Worth it?  

Leya gives the following comparison between A.I Tutors and Human Tutors:

Personally, I don’t agree with many of the points above. Talking to human teachers is much, much better for your English skills and I hope that the hundreds of students I taught online didn’t feel uncomfortable.

In my opinion, Leyla A.I is not worth it. I would rather recommend Talkio A.I if you want to talk to an A.I tutor or Preply if you want an English class with a human teacher. 

You really need to be careful using only A.I tutors and you won’t get the benefit of fluid, dynamic conversation that you would get with a human tutor.


