Is the Word Imput or Input? (Correct Spelling)

So is the word “Imput” or “Input?” Which one is the correct spelling? Input is the only and correct way to say and write this word in English. “Imput” is the wrong way to spell this word. However, there’s good reason for the confusion. Im- always comes before a word beginning with “p,” among others. So it seems to make sense, but not for this word.

Also, it’s possible you heard it annunciated wrong and it sounded like “imput.” This can be confusing if you’re trying to learn the difference. Between the rule and mispronunciation, it’s easy for newcomers to think that it’s “imput.” But it’s not, it’s “input.”


There are two meanings for this word. The first is to enter information into a device or space, like a computer or form, making it a verb or adjective. And the other is to give an opinion or convey information from a personal perspective but it’s a noun.

The input they provided was very useful. (noun)

To provide your name, use the input fields. (adjective)

She input her birth date and the machine guessed her age. (verb)

Memory Tool

It’s easy to cognate and memorize the disparity between “input” and “imput.” Just remember there will always be an N and never an M. There’s a little test you can do when you want to use “input” as a verb. Divide it into two words: “in” and “put.” Then exchange them to check it in proper English as “put” and “in.”

You input your name here and then input the number there in the boxes.

You put in your name here and then put in the number there in the boxes.


Placing an “im” prior to “put” won’t work due to the distinct fact that there isn’t an “im” word in the English language. But it’s important to remember that im- is a prefix for other words to indicate not, no, in, within, toward or into. Then, “b,” “m” or a “p” always comes after the im- prefix.

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“Input” is always going to be the right way to spell this word. If you can remember that, you’ll master English in no time. While there is no M here, im- can precede other words to signify the root following it will be no, not, in, within, into, or toward.
