How to Introduce Yourself to a Colleague Via Email

Introducing yourself to a colleague via email is a polite way to improve the workflow of your office. Whether you are the new officemate or they are, an introduction email can set boundaries and expectations for future projects.

Here’s what you need to know about crafting the best introduction emails for colleagues.

How to Introduce Yourself to a Colleague Via Email

To introduce yourself to your colleague, you’ll want to begin with a clear and friendly subject line.

From there, you should do the following:

  • Introduce yourself

    You’ll want to ensure that your new colleague knows how to address you the next time you collaborate. Offer them your preferred name and your job title.

  • Make the connection between your work and theirs

    Point out how your jobs overlap and how you expect to be working together going forward. If you have a specific request, you should include it here.

  • Offer some light professional and personal background

    Tell your new colleague a bit about how you came to this position or how long you have been with the company, as well as the impact you’ve made. You can also include a personal anecdote to help them get to know you.

  • Offer a method to connect

    Give your colleague a way to communicate with you, whether that’s a phone number or email, and your availability. You should also make it clear that you are open to more conversation and any potential questions.

  • Share some enthusiasm for your workplace relationship

Template Email for Introducing Yourself to Your Colleague

You can use this template and customize it to meet your needs:

SUBJECT: Hello From Your [Title]

Hello [Name],

I’m [Name], the [Title] for [Company]. I noticed that we had not yet been introduced, so I thought I would take a moment to make your acquaintance considering that we’ll be working together on [Project/Connection].

I have been with [Company] for [Time]. During that time, I have [Achievement/work responsibilities that relate to your colleague].

[Personal background]

If you have any comments or questions for me, you can reach me at [Method] from/on/during [Availability]. I greatly look forward to working with you and hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you,

[Your name]


Here’s what this template might look like filled in.

SUBJECT: Hello From Your Project Manager

Hello Ethan,

I’m Alcina, the Project Manager for Coins and Company. I noticed that we had not yet been introduced, so I thought I would take a moment to make your acquaintance considering that we’ll be working together on the November marketing campaign.

I have been with Coins and Company for three years. During that time, I have helped to grow various marketing and customer outreach programs that have resulted in hundreds of leads generated and many more sales.

I am a native of the area, so joining this locally-owned company has always felt like the right move. I love supporting local businesses – my favorite coffee shop is just down the road!

If you have any comments or questions for me, you can reach me at 555 123 4567 from 9 am to 4 pm during the work week. I greatly look forward to working with you and hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you,



Introduction emails don’t have to be long or complicated. They just need to convey the right information to allow you to connect with another professional on an equal level. By sending an appropriate introductory email, you can let your colleague know that you value their time and input, and create a more comfortable and productive work environment for everyone involved.
