Does “Sure Thing” mean “You’re welcome”?

In American English, people often use “sure thing” in place of “you’re welcome”, especially in informal situations.

Thank you for looking after my car!

Sure thing!

Sure thing as a response to thank you

“Sure thing” is a common reply after someone thanks you. People usually mean to say that you can be certain that you can count on them and that they have no problem helping you. It has a meaning similar to “don’t mention it” or “no problem”. 

The person wants you to know that you can count on them and that you don’t need to think too much about what they did for you.

What does a sure thing actually mean?

“Sure thing” means a certainty, something that will definitely happen.

Messi is a sure thing to win the Ballon d’Or.

In American English, “sure thing” also means “of course” or “certainly”.

Can you take out the trash for me?

Sure thing.

It is this meaning that is used in place of “you’re welcome”.

Sure thing in British English

“Sure thing” is not used as “you’re welcome” in British English. This would be understood but it would be noticed that you are speaking American English.

In British English you can use “You’re welcome“.

Sure Thing Alternatives

If you want to say something instead of “Sure thing” you can use the following:

  • You’re welcome 
  • No problem
  • Thank YOU
  • My pleasure
  • No worries
  • Don’t mention it 
  • Anytime
  • Happy to help
  • It was the least I could do