Objective vs Subjective? What’s the Difference?

Objective is used to mean that someone is impartial or neutral to a situation. Subjective is used to mean that someone makes a decision based on their individual experience. Technically, the words are opposites.

Main Differences Between Objective and Subjective

An objective statement is a completely neutral, true, and real statement. A subjective statement is one that doesn’t show a clear picture and is only based on personal beliefs.

Objective information can be proved, measured, and observed. Subjective information can’t be proven and is likely only true to the person stating it.

When information is objective, it remains the same no matter who is reporting it. When information is subjective, it varies from person to person.


Objective has several different definitions. First, it means dealing with facts without bringing personal feelings or interpretations into the mix. This means that the information received is processed and one’s personal feelings about the matter are pushed to the side.

Objective can also be something that effort is directed towards. For example, a goal is an objective. You have an end goal, and you are putting your effort towards reaching that goal.

Pros/Cons of Objectiveness

Objectiveness involves thinking rationally, reliable results, measurable outcome, and it can be used in business decisions.

Alternately, objectiveness doesn’t aid in social relationships, there is a lack of personal interest, and freedom of speech can be compromised.

The judge will be as objective as possible when listening to the case.

Your objective for this class is to pass the final exam at the end of the semester.

It can be hard to keep an objective standpoint when getting the facts.

My main objective is to be finished with this book by the end of the week.


Subjective also has several different definitions. First, it means something is existing in the mind. It also means that someone is placing emphasis on their own personal opinions instead of keeping them out of the picture.

Being subjective means you let your personal beliefs influence how a decision is made instead of letting facts influence a decision.

Pros/Cons of Subjectiveness

Subjectiveness can aid in the expression of personal interest, lead to satisfaction of making one’s own judgement, build social relationships, and gives freedom of speech.

Alternately, subjectiveness involves bias, unreliability, unmeasurable results, and it can’t be used in business.

Her subjective stance is that pasta is not good.

Journalists are not supposed to let their subjective views influence their work.

That critic is entirely too subjective for the job.

It can be way too easy to have a subjective viewpoint on everything.

Remembering the Differences

One easy way to remember the difference between objective and subjective is to think about how they are spelled in comparison to what they mean.

For example, objective starts with an O and so does observation. You use facts that are observed to help influence your decision.

Subjective starts with an S and feelings ends with an S. Feelings get in the way and a decision is made instead of using facts.


Objective and subjective get confused with each other constantly because people think they are the same, but they are actually opposites. Objective is influenced just by facts and subjective is influenced by feelings and personal interpretation.

Objective statements can be proven, and subjective statements cannot. When a decision is made based on only facts, it is objective. When a decision is made based on personal feelings, it is subjective.
