Ride Off or Write Off? What’s the Difference?

There is a huge difference between saying “ride off” or “write off.” “Ride off” refers to taking some form of transportation away from a place or area. The second, “write off” can mean dismissing or deducting someone or something from your life or taxes. Either “ride off” or “write off” can act as a verb.

While both aren’t difficult to remember, people do tend to mistakenly interchange them. This is because of how similar they sound when spoken. And, in communication, you might be able to get away with the interchange. But, in writing, this is a whole world of difference.

“Ride Off”

When you say “ride off,” you’re referring to using some mode of transport to go to a location somewhere else. Of course, “to ride” will require proper verb conjugation according to pronoun and tense. Consider the examples below:

The cowboy rode off into the sunset and no one has heard from him since.

I ride off in my chariot, which is at the bus station.

Samantha rides off in her sports car with a foolish smile on her face.

“Write Off”

“Write off” can be literal or figurative depending on the context of the discussion at hand. Just like “ride off,” the use of the verb “to write” will need proper conjugation of the verb along with pronoun and tense agreement. However, “write off” can also be a noun phrase. Observe the following samples:

That car is rubbish! It is a write-off! [noun]

Pens and printer paper are usually tax write-offs. [plural noun]

I wrote off that little girl down the street, she bullied my sister. [verb in the past tense]

Write off that jerk, he doesn’t matter so it’s not worth getting angry. [verb in the present tense)

More Examples of “Write Off” with “Ride Off”

Now study both phrases used simultaneously in the same sentence. This will enrich your understanding.

Marcus writes off his ex-girlfriend as he rides off to his next destination.

The train rides off as if it was a write-off from another stop in its schedule.

They rode off in the night so as to escape paying their expense write-offs.


“Ride off” and “write off” are two completely different phrases that are not interchangeable. One refers to actually travel while the other, “write off,” means to dismiss or deduct something. This can be figurative or literal depending on the context.

