Yesterday’s or yesterdays? Which is correct?

We use yesterday’s meeting to describe a meeting that is held yesterday. Yesterday’s meeting is correct.

We need the apostrophe s to show the possessive form. This means that the meeting belongs to yesterday. The two words(yesterday, meeting) are connected.

Yesterdays(without the apostrophe) is not grammatically incorrect but it isn’t common in English. Yesterdays is the plural of yesterday but yesterday is usually singular(it is one day). 

Why is it yesterday’s meeting and not yesterdays meeting?

We use the apostrophe s to show that the meeting and yesterday are connected. yesterdays without the apostrophe is the plural of yesterday. 

The plural of yesterday is not very useful in English because there is only one yesterday. 

Yesterday’s Date or Yesterdays Date?

Yesterday’s date is correct for the same reason as yesterday’s meeting is correct as explained above.

What is yesterday’s date?

More examples of yesterday’s

What happened at yesterday’s meeting. I missed it.

What time did yesterday’s concert start at?

Do you have the notes from yesterday’s class?

Can we say yesterday morning?

Yes, “yesterday morning” is correct.

What do we call the day before yesterday? 

We typically use “the day before yesterday” as a way to say a day that happened before yesterday.

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